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Writing a personal essay can, at times, feel repetitive if language is not taken into account. As stated in the book Crafting the Personal Essay, the author Moore states, “if writers followed only predictable paths, where would new ideas come from?” This quote resonated with me because though I know already how a memory ends, that does not mean that it cannot be interesting. Remembering that the essay written is supposed to have a story and a form of creative nonfiction is an excellent way to keep the pros excitable to the reader. Furthermore, adding deeper meaning, figurative language, and fascinating metaphors to the essay can create deeper interest in the writing because it has variety and has the readers looking at, as Moore mentions, an orchestra. While this can be difficult starting out as a personal essayist, it can be rewarding at the end. As Moore states, “It is better, perhaps, to control an entire orchestra rather than just one flute, but it takes infinitely more work and practice.” Being the conductor of an orchestra means that you need to have the proper balance between different sets of instruments to create a harmonious melody that listeners can enjoy and resonate with the music. Being a writer is just being a conductor except that you are using different literary devices in equal parts to create a harmonious story.

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